ANOTHER YEAR WITH THE MURPHYS! Buddy, Heidi, Sean & Lily "Bug"
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Lily gets a big girl bed......
Sean passed his toddler bed to Lily so he could get a "real" bed. He is now in the bed that Buddy had as a boy.
We left the crib in for now just in case....
Sean gets big boy bed
He chose the "Cars" theme
Saturday, May 27, 2006
4th cousins (or brother & sister)?
Sean & cousin Josie.........
Buddy in Ireland (May 2006)
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Lily bug......
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Sean, Sophie & Lily go strawberry picking....
Sean picked a big one..
Sean eating his....
Lily eating hers
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Sean & Lily see the fish at church
Sean in the "Cuz"s car
Sasha is the baby chimp at the Montgomery Zoo (so cute)
A day at the zoo with our friends
Sean's playgroup friends surprise us with a birthday party for him at the zoo.......
Erin, Tyler & Sean stand like the flamingos
Sean & TyTy see a turtle
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Sean with his Thomas birthday cake
Sean is Three.....
All of Sean's cousins celebrate his third bithday with him...
Lily enjoys some cake
Sean's Thomas cake
Thursday, May 04, 2006
YUM... when is the ice cream truck coming again mommy????
Sean & Lily having fun in their clubhouse
Sean & Lily play on the playground at the Biscuits game
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