Buddy found this neat site - magmypic.com - You can put a pic on just about any cover. Going to try Lily on Vogue next. LOL.....
Friday, February 22, 2008
Create Fake Magazine Covers with your own picture at MagMyPic.com
Subscribe to People Magazine at a 37% discount!
Cute Lily Story!
I had to have some blood drawn today so I took Lily to the lab with me. On the way there I explained to her that mommy was getting labs????? After many questions and just to make it easier, I told her that mommy had to have a "shot". Here is the conversation that followed:
Lily: I want a shot too!
Me: No baby, you don't want a shot do you?
Lily: whine, yes pleeeese mommy, pleeeese......
(at this point, I whispered to the nurse to pretend to give her one so she would feel included)
Nurse: Lily, do you want a shot?
Lily: (nods yes)
Me: ok then, just let her finish with mommys. you see, look at the needle going in my arm. neat huh? Look at the blood squirting in the tube. What do you think Lily Bug?
Lily: (starring intently down at her arm with VERY wide eyes) I DON'T NEED A SHOT MOMMY!
Me & lab staff: everyone laughing hard........
Lily: I want a shot too!
Me: No baby, you don't want a shot do you?
Lily: whine, yes pleeeese mommy, pleeeese......
(at this point, I whispered to the nurse to pretend to give her one so she would feel included)
Nurse: Lily, do you want a shot?
Lily: (nods yes)
Me: ok then, just let her finish with mommys. you see, look at the needle going in my arm. neat huh? Look at the blood squirting in the tube. What do you think Lily Bug?
Lily: (starring intently down at her arm with VERY wide eyes) I DON'T NEED A SHOT MOMMY!
Me & lab staff: everyone laughing hard........
No fools in this house.....

I got this wonderful book for Christmas from my sister in Law, Lynn! After being sick for so long and realizing that my poor husband & kids needed more then -take out- and Steak out was breaking us, I decided to start this program this week. I went to the store Monday and got all the veggies and did all the purees and got started.... While the cauliflour in scrambled eggs bit went over well (we dredge in ketsup) and puree veggies and wheat germ in the ground beef patties was great for Sean's beloved "cheesburger", the spaghetti did not go over as well with Lily last night. I thought I could fool her because she loves spaghetti. I felt like such a proud mommy as I mixed in the cauliflour puree and sprinkled in some wheat germ. However, the official Murphy house taste tester sat down to her dinner. I quietly watched her as she took her first (and last) bite. "Eewwww yuck"! she said. I said, "what"? She said "mommy, there is something wrong with this". I said "what does it taste like"? She said "It tastes like something gross is in here". She then casually walked away from the table and announced that she was not eating that "gross spaghetti".... I think I got an "I told you so" or something from Buddy. He informed me tonight that I was not to put any cauliflour in his hamburger. Shhhhh! ;0
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Murphys On The Mend
I have been away from posting this past week. Last Sunday Buddy got sick with the flu and over the course of 3 days we all dropped like flies. Each day another one of us took a trip to the Doctor and had the nose swab test done. Yep, we all had the flu. I guess I have never had it before because I don't remember feeling so bad before. Taking care of sick kids with HIGH fevers while we were sick too (with high fevers as well) was a challenge. The doctor said tamiflu was flying off the shelves and I had to go to 2 different drug stores to get it. My friend had to go to 3 drug stores. I guess the flu is going around right now. Unfortunately mine has affected my lungs again and I am still struggling with that part of it. Flu can be dangerous for people with lung problems. I am doing the antibiotics as well, along with steroids & breathing treatments. Flu part is much better for all of us now and we are so thankful.
Thank you to all who took care of us by bringing us meals. We have a great family and church family. Thank you Mom. Lynn, Nell, Martha, & Rebecca and all who have sent us cards and called to check on us. We appreciate you all.
While Buddy and Sean were napping today, Lily and I felt like we needed a little sun. For the first time all week I took her out of pajamas and put real clothes on her. I took her out in the back yard for a mini photo shoot. I think she liked the fact that she was not having to model any clothes so she was much more relaxed and cooperative. It was just fun this time...
I tried to do a slide show with the pics on photo bucket but I am so new at that and it turned out a little on the short side. I could not figure out how to get the pictures to stay longer then 3 seconds. I hope you are all staying flu free and taking care of yourselves.
Murphy's Law: The only year you miss getting the flu shot you are going to get the flu......
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