Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Friday, December 04, 2009
Lily's Birthday slideshow
Lori Mercer is such a wonderful photographer. She took the most amazing pictures of Lily's 5th birthday party. I am sharing them below in the slideshow she created. Please make sure your sound is up when you watch the slideshow.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Happy Birthday Lily

Sweet Lily has changed my life in so many ways. She has made being a mommy one of the most fulfilling things about my life. Her smile and laughter complete me. Her huge blue eyes melt me. She is funny, smart, happy, energetic and completely adorable. I am head over heels in love with my sweet little Lily - She is five today. I miss the way she sucked her two middle fingers. But, I love the new ways she can communicate with me. I miss snuggling and feeding her in the middle of the night. But, I LOVE that she pitter pats into my room and climbs into bed beside me. I miss dressing her in adorable little baby clothes. But, I love the way she chooses her own clothes now. - Change is bittersweet - though it brings many new joys! I can't wait to see the wonderful young woman she becomes -

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Guess whos turning five???
My precious baby girl will be five in two days. It is bittersweet. Time goes by so fast and they grow up right before your eyes. I am so glad she is growing up strong and healthy but on the other hand, I miss her sweet baby face and cute toddle.
Yesterday we celebrated in grand style at the Party Palace with Cinderella, the Godmother and a surprise visit in the end by Belle. Lori Mercer photographed the event for us and my very talented friend Jennifer made this fabulous cake for her:
I can't wait to share all the wonderful pictures of the day with you. But for now, is not the prettiest cake fit for a princess???
Thursday, November 26, 2009
My Pirate & Princess
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!
We have been gone - to Disney World again!!!! It was awsome of course. The Christmas decor was up and everything was beautiful. We took it easy this year and just enjoyed each other. Instead of booking it in the parks everyday we took some time to do some relaxing things instead. This year we let Sean go on the Pirate cruise from our resort, the Grand Floridian. He really loved it. We also went to a snazzy hair salon where Buddy had his hair cut. The kids did Pirate and Princess makeovers and we did a little celebrating of our little princess Lily's 5th birthday.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
ZOO DAY 2009
This post is a few weeks late. I just had to share it since it means so much to our family.
Each year the Frazer singles ministers to a very special group of people. We meet them at the Montgomery Zoo. They are the mentally and physically challenged children and adults of our city. A special day is set aside each year around this time to serve them and to just have fun with them. We gather early in the morning in anticipation of their arrival. Some of us come dressed as clowns (myself), some usher around a "special" friend, some serve in other areas such as serving food, handing out goodies and bags or taking pictures. There are many ways to volunteer. This was the ninth year for me and about the eleventh year or greater for Buddy. Zoo Day has become even more special to us each year because our children are now involved. They have come to love these "special" people and have very kind and sensitive hearts for them.
The reason Zoo Day is special to us:
My second Zoo Day was back in 2002. The day before Zoo Day I had learned that the baby inside of me had passed away. This was our third pregnancy and our third loss. I remember wanting to stay home. I was in no mood to go to the zoo dressed as a clown. To put on a happy face for the children when inside I was dying. However, as I laid in the bed feeling sorry for myself, I felt a special pulling in my heart to go in spite of the deep pain of loss I was feeling.
I put on my clown suit. I can remember so clearly being aware that my baby was still inside of me and I was to go have the procedure to terminate the lost pregnancy on the following Monday.
As I "played clown" for all of those "special" children a feeling of guilt kept growing inside of me. I suddenly realized that I had been praying and asking God for a "perfect" child. As Buddy and I got in the car to leave we both dissolved into tears in each other's arms. He had been feeling the same way. We prayed right there in the parking lot of the zoo for God to forgive us. We asked him that if he choose to bless us again with a pregnancy, we would take whatever he gave us. Yes, even a "special" child.
The rest of the story:
The little baby inside of me that day is my sweet 6 year old Sean Flynn. The same baby we were told had no heartbeat, an odd gestational sac, and other problems. We decided to follow the advice of a Fertility specialist in Birmingham and cancel the termination procedure at our local hospital. We drove to Birmingham expecting her to tell us the same news and do the procedure to terminate there. However, to our complete surprise, there was a heartbeat that day which shocked even the Doctors. No one can explain to us what happened. God is a miracle working God and he heard our prayers. I am sure some would say Medical Science could explain it all quite easily. I choose to believe that God brought my baby back to life.
The next year, Zoo Day had the youngest clown ever - 4 month old baby Sean came with his clown mommy dressed as a clown. This year, my precious Lily was a clown for the first time with me. Sean has now graduated to walking around the zoo with some very "special" friends.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
My favorite time of year...
I love this time of year. There is such anticipation. Fall festivals, school plays, Thanksgiving planning, Christmas wishing. We have had to miss a few things this year (the Fair, Holiday Market, school Fall festival and a few other things) because of my surgery. I was beginning to think we would have to miss our annual trip of visiting the pumpkin patch as well. However, on Sunday we surprised the kids and made a spontaneous trip to Dream Fields in Union Springs and had the best time. The weather was perfect. We took my neice, Sophia along with us.

Monday, October 05, 2009
Once upon a time.....
There were four little girls in striped tights..........

They played, ran, giggled, and hugged - these four little girls!
Thursday, October 01, 2009
"Life is Good"
Has it really been almost a month????
We have been quite busy lately. With both of us working, Lily in ballet, both kids in soccer, Frazer singles group on Tuesday, Church on Wednesday, volunteer work with "In Christ's Way", football season (ROLL TIDE by the way) and an endless stream of birthday parties, life never slows down.
The past few weeks have been pretty exciting. The biggest news is that we are planning our seventh Disney trip. I am almost embarrassed to say it though. Our spring break trip was a little rough because of my seizures. However, I am thrilled to say that I have been seizure free for months now and I am excited about getting a "second chance" at this years vacation. Going around the holidays is going to be exciting with all the Christmas decorations up at Disney. It is also Lily's birthday so we are looking forward to making it a special celebration time for her.
Last Friday we took the kids to ASF to see the wonderful ballet performance of "Gloria" and "Midsummer Nights Dream". It was simply amazing. Miss Lily, of course, fell asleep towards the end. On Saturday, Buddy took a VERY excited little "Bug" to a Daddy/Daughter dance. She is all about her daddy. I didn't go because I wanted it to be their special night. So, I got dressed up, got Sean dressed up and took my little man somewhere special. We had a "date" together at Chili's. He was beaming as I let him pay with the credit card and sign the receipt. We also had a great time with a wonderful photographer, Derrick Griffin, (link to come soon) as he set up studio in our home and took some wonderful portaits of the kids. I can hardly wait to share all the pictures.
Parties, parties and more parties... We have averaged about two birthday parties a weekend over the past month!
This weekend will keep pace with the previous ones. Buddy and I finally get another "Date night" tomorrow night. We have a sitter coming so we can go see a play at AUM, a local University where Buddy teaches.
On Saturday we will be going to something that is very special to us, Frazer Zoo Day! It is a wonderful ministry to Montgomery's handicapped and mentally challenged citizens. Lily and I will dress as clowns and Sean and Buddy will escort some very special people around the zoo.
There is a very personal story behind Zoo Day which I will share one day. We will wrap up the day with football, of course, (ROLL TIDE again) and a birthday party for a very special little girl who is turning one! Our niece Arianna Rose. And the weekend would not be complete without worshipping God. On Sunday, Jim Cavesil who portrayed Christ in the movie "The Passion of the Christ", will be speaking at our church.
Yes, I am looking forward to another busy yet deliriously wonderful weekend with the ones I love the most.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Lily meets Hello Kitty
Girls Day Out
Lily and I had a wonderful and much needed mommy & me time together yesterday. We started our day by painting our toes and getting Lily dressed in her favorite color. We headed out the the mall for a fun time with Hello Kitty and tea and cupcakes. Lily's friend Amy met us and eventually cousin Sophia and my sister Heather. They had so much fun coloring pictures and doing a puzzle of Hello Kitty. We enjoyed shopping and getting some cool Hello Kitty gear - all pink of course :-)
After we left the mall Heather and I took the girls to our favorite deli - Chappy's! After lunch we enjoyed ice cream and chocolate cheese cake. What a fabulous girls day out!
Frogbelliesandblossoms - Christmas Launch
School Girl....
Time for soccer
Soccer Practice
The kids started practicing for the new fall soccer season. This is Lily's first year and she is so excited. She is really quite good and got right into it. They will have their first game next Saturday.Wednesday, August 26, 2009
A sneak peek.......
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Two sweet little brothers
My very dear friend Candace has been visiting from England for the summer. Sadly, she will be leaving on Sunday. I will miss her beyond words. Yesterday, however, I had the great pleasure of doing a fun photo shoot with her two precious little ones. These boys are a bundle of energy and sweetness and just light up the room whenever they visit.
I put together a little video slide show of some of my favorite shots. You will need to go to the bottom of my page and pause my music before you play the slide show.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Back to School
They had a great first day. Of course, you know we had to go out and celebrate so we all went to Chappy's for lunch.
What a great day!!!!
Lily starts ballet
Lily's ballet class will be starting Monday. This year she has moved up from creative movement into pre-ballet. The ballet school she attends uses a certain color leotard for each level of ballet. She has been in pink for the last two years, so she is thrilled that she is now moving up to a big girl class and is wearing a red loetard. Although she was a little disappointed that she could not wear her FAVORITE color anymore.

Our trip to Massachusetts
I posted just a few of our Boston pics below. I have so much more to share about our trip.
The kids had so much fun and learned as well. The trip was indeed an adventure for them as they flew in an airplaine, took several "real" train rides, rode the underground/subway and took buses and shuttles around the big city. We kept them on the go the entire time and they were such troopers. They will make great world travelers with us one day :-)
We had a great time going into the city and also visited Plymouth and Concord Massachusets. In Plymouth we took the kids to see Plymouth Rock and the town was breathtaking. Concord was my favorite though. We ate at a darling cafe in the town square and took the kids to see the homes of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Louisa May Alcott and Ralph Walso Emmerson. The highlight of Concord was when we took the kids to visit the real Sleepy Hollow Cemetary (as in - The Legend of Sleepy Hollow) There were graves of many famous authors. Don't ask me why, we just love cemetaries and this one was just so historical and beautiful. This was actaully Sean's second trip. We took him to all these places when he was around 8 weeks old.
The trip was not all about visiting Boston and the surrounding areas though. We actually flew there for a long anticipated family reunion and surprised my father who has been batteling with cancer. He was so excited to get to see his grandkids. We also got to see my grandmother and many other relatives we have not seen in years. Heather and Sophie came with us and this was especially exciting because our relatives had never even met little Sophie who is already six. It had been close to eight years since Heather had last visited. We had a great time with all of them and I have lots of pictures I will be posting of all that very soon.
The kids had so much fun and learned as well. The trip was indeed an adventure for them as they flew in an airplaine, took several "real" train rides, rode the underground/subway and took buses and shuttles around the big city. We kept them on the go the entire time and they were such troopers. They will make great world travelers with us one day :-)
We had a great time going into the city and also visited Plymouth and Concord Massachusets. In Plymouth we took the kids to see Plymouth Rock and the town was breathtaking. Concord was my favorite though. We ate at a darling cafe in the town square and took the kids to see the homes of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Louisa May Alcott and Ralph Walso Emmerson. The highlight of Concord was when we took the kids to visit the real Sleepy Hollow Cemetary (as in - The Legend of Sleepy Hollow) There were graves of many famous authors. Don't ask me why, we just love cemetaries and this one was just so historical and beautiful. This was actaully Sean's second trip. We took him to all these places when he was around 8 weeks old.
The trip was not all about visiting Boston and the surrounding areas though. We actually flew there for a long anticipated family reunion and surprised my father who has been batteling with cancer. He was so excited to get to see his grandkids. We also got to see my grandmother and many other relatives we have not seen in years. Heather and Sophie came with us and this was especially exciting because our relatives had never even met little Sophie who is already six. It had been close to eight years since Heather had last visited. We had a great time with all of them and I have lots of pictures I will be posting of all that very soon.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
In Boston
We ate lunch at the Cheers place
Lily eating ice cream at the train station
the kids in Beacon Hill. I loved that area, breathtaking!!!!
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