Friday, January 30, 2009
Saturday Funnies
Lily: Mommy what planet do we live on? Earth I say.
Lily: Do you think we could move to the planet Saturn since it has rings? Rings are so "fancy".
I was humming Fur Elise today when Sean walked in and heard me. He said: " Mommy, I love
Beethoven too"!
Lily: "Mommy, can you take me to China? They have rivers there and I want to see a river"!
Lily has been on an antibiotic. We usually don't have any problem getting her to take it since they are usually pink and taste like bubble gum. This one however is a different . It is thick, white and does not taste good. Twice a day we go through a pleading and begging then it ends by asking her if she is going to take it the hard way or the easy way. The hard meaning we hold her down and the easy way meaning she takes it on her own then drinks "good juice" real fast to make it better. She opted for the "easy way" each time after much pleading. That was working well until yesterday when she outsmarted me. I asked her the same question as she held her had over her mouth .
Me: "Lily, do you want to take this the hard way or the easy way"?
Lily: "I want to take it the none way"! - She thought she could outsmart us huh?
Monday, January 26, 2009
Not Me Monday
This blog carnival was created by mckmamma. It's fun and therapeutic so just join in the fun.
Go over to her site and to see how it's done.
My Not Me's were on time but I accidentally hit save instead of post before going to bed last night so they are a little late: Is that allowed? :-)
I did not forget my regular set of keys when I went out today thus locking me and the kids out of the house tonight.
I did not get dinner on the table after 8:30 pm and get so busy cleaning up afterward that I forgot to read the bedtime story I promised to my precious four year old daughter. Oh, and she did not fall asleep while waiting for me and end up sleeping with spaghetti on her face - what mother would ever let that happen?
I have not put off writing thank you cards another week. I would never do something like that. I would be such bad etiquette.
I did not bring a 5 pound bag of peanut m&ms to work and put my name on it.
I am not engaged in a silly and desperate attempt with my husband to gain more facebook friends therefore searching out and being accepted by people like Hota Kotb. - Not Me!
I did not forget to fold laundry.
I really, really did not fix lunch boxes for the kids for tomorrow! But that is because we are picking them up early and going to have lunch with dear friends whom we have not seen in a long time. Hopefully I will have pics to post. YAY!
What have you NOT ben doing this week?Sunday, January 25, 2009
Update on Arianna's RSV
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Daddy's Birthday
Praying For Arianna
Monday, January 19, 2009
Not Me Monday
I did not lay on the sofa the entire weekend in the same clothes and not
do one bit of laundry for myself even though I have nothing to wear once again at the start of a work week.
I am embarrassed to say that I did not do any dishes. But, I have been sick so does that count?
I did not put off going to the grocery store. We are out of milk and everything that matters. I did however scrape up some stuff to make up a nice casserole even though I felt bad and I got kudos from my husband.
I have not put off sending Christmas Thank You cards ....
I Did not fall asleep on the sofa early leaving my kids unattended and wake up in the AM hours finding my 5 year old playing on his playstation.
Well, I'm sure there are tons more I did not do today especially since I was not feeling well and laying on the sofa a good bit of the day. But, that will have to do for my very first
Still here...
Just a little under the weather (or under the covers I should say). I just wanted to let you know that we are all fine and being lazy around the house. Getting absolutely nothing done and enjoying the extra long weekend off. I have literally been laying on the couch since Friday evening. Buddy had a small procedure done Friday morning and is fine. I just seemed to have a terrible head cold. It is getting better but now seems to be draining down into my lungs and I am a little nervous. So, to the Dr I will be headed this week to get myself on some meds.
Monday, January 12, 2009
I've Been Tagged

Go to the 4th folder, pull up the 4th picture and post it, describing it.
Here I am on my wedding day with three very special little boys. My two nephews Spencer and Benjamin and my Great Nephew Everett. I remember the day so clearly and how funny they were. Each of them added their own little flair to the wedding and made everyone laugh. Spencer was so serious, Everett was swinging the pillow during the ceremony and Ben was instructing the Flower girl how to drop the petals in great detail. That was seven years ago and these boys are almost grown but I still laugh when I see this picture.
I'm tagging:
Sunday, January 11, 2009
A saturday Full of Birthday Partys
Triplets: Taylor (in Lily's lap), Dakota (in Amy's lap) & Piper (in Sean's lap)
Lily, Sophie, Sean and Rowan.
Sean with the sweet birthday girl Abby 3 year old....
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Sean's new smile
Friday, January 02, 2009
Sean's new room
reading his Indiana Jones book
holding the crystal skull.
We still have some ideas for this room. Maybe painting a bottom wall border of grass and creating two bolder type rocks or beanbags chairs maybe covered in gray fabric made to look like boulders to sit on either side of the dormer window that he has up there. Also maybe a fake tree plant and a large type elephant or zebra or some type animal hiding in the corner to make it look African/safari. At the dormer I am also thinking of putting some netting coming halfway across as a sort of hideaway for him. We put the pictures up today and they really made the room some alive some more. We have a "movie set" looking chair that has been in our family for a few years and it matches so it sits in the corner with the hat and a satchel I made for him.