Friday, May 29, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Learning can be fun!
One of my gardenias that is not quite as white anymore :-(
Sean's plant
Monday, May 25, 2009
I like BIG bows and I cannot lie......
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Our little Ballerina

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The sweetest sleep
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Another milestone for our "Miracle Boy"!
Monday, May 18, 2009
My sweet Lily
Busy week & Sean's birthday
Sean's birthday party was a blast!
We had all the food catered in and hired Darth Vader to entertain the kids. I made the boys Jedi robes and the girls wore Princess Leia robes. The "Yoda Soda" that I made to drink was a big hit with the kids. We bought light sabers for each of the boys and they all "battled" it out in the back yard. After the party as the guests were leaving, I heard several boys saying "I want my party to be Star Wars too"!
I think I may be ready for another party in about 6 months. Ha! I really am glad that the Sean and Lily have birthdays so far apart. It does give me plenty of time to recuperate and plan :-)
Water Fun...
Sean's end of year school party
Lily's K3 Preschool program & end of year party
Kid's spring program at church
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Planning Sean's 6th Birthday party
I am going to take it easy this year and have Chick-fil-a catered in. Icing Illusions will do the cake and I am also making cupcakes to line the middle of the table and made to look light a green light saber. I will make a "Yoda Soda" as I had originally planned and he is really excited about that. It will be a green punch of sorts....
I am planning to have little Jedi robes (capes) made for each of the boys and I will do some white ones for the girls (Princess Leia). I will ties them with some rope and silver ribbons.
One very important detail that I was a little late getting made were the invitations. I wanted them to be unique but was at a loss.
Thanks to the help of my great friend Jennifer this is what we came up with. Since these are a little late, I have already called many people and will send some e-vites out. This was an extra special touch I did not want to leave out. I think the boys will get a big kick out of these.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Newest creation by: Frogbelliesandblossoms
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
A sweet moment
Learning from Mr. Bill

A day in the Park....
Saturday, May 02, 2009
LOOK at this cake.....

While I have some extra time on my hands here in the hospital and to get my mind off of missing my kiddos I will be working on some party details and designing his invitation. It is a little joke about the cake though. He really, really does want this cake. I think it looks creepy! Ha..
I was thinking of doing something a little easier like maybe cupcakes in a row (light saber) and making them grey and lime green. Tell me what ya'll think. Any ideas?

We decided it was time to do a little upgrade. Meanwhile, my sister got a great deal on our other camera, the cannon 20D, which is very close to this one. We will have so much fun taking pictures of our kiddos together. Now that makes me smile :-)