I always loved the Little Miss and Mr. books when I was a kid. I love attaching the appropriate books titles to the kids. Lately Lily has been Little Miss Chatterbox. Today she suddenly became Little Miss Bossy! This was a conversation I overheard the kids having in the kitchen this morning.
Lily: "Hey! You almost tripped my toe, SAY OOPS!!!!!!"
Sean: "oops."
Lily: "You should be more careful", "SAY OK!!!!!"
Sean: (sheepishly) "ok."
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Julia's new Christmas launch now on ebay
Julia has done two fabulous new sets for Christmas. We had so much fun modeling and photographing them for her. Of course little Miss got frustrated you know. So many things for a three year old to do! People to call, friends to see, Barbie dolls to play with, cartoons to watch. Oh... my busy little bug!

Seriously though, please check these sets out:)
I got the kids each one of those ring pop like suckers except these had teeth on the top instead of a ring. Lily was so sleepy last night but really wanted her sucker. I told her we could save it for later but she was determined to finish it. She kept dozing off as she was sucking on it and when I looked over at her a few minutes later she was fast asleep with it in her mouth sucking it like a pacifier.

Soccer Days
Sean is much better at soccer this year then he was last year. I think he understands the game much better now. He is more aggressive in going after the ball and has even kicked a goal. Even though it was in the other team's net, we are still proud of him. :)

After a 9:00 soccer game this morning, Lily and I went to Olive Garden for a Baby Shower Luncheon. My brother's wife is having their second baby (another girl) this Thursday. We had fun and were a very loud bunch for those poor people I am sure. Anytime you get my mom and her two sisters and me and my sister together you are in for some interesting moments.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A post about Sean coming soon
To be fair, I feel I need to do a post about Sean. We had a really funny episode last night about hiding m&ms from daddy! I can't post it tonight. I had a really long day at work and am just too tired. Stay tuned.....
I also have some pictures of his first soccer game and some funny spiderman shots that he wanted to do for his "best friend" Ian.
Poor baby is not feeling well right now. He is so sweet but even sweeter when he is sick. He seems to have picked up whatever Lily had and it seems to be really lingering.
I also have some pictures of his first soccer game and some funny spiderman shots that he wanted to do for his "best friend" Ian.
Poor baby is not feeling well right now. He is so sweet but even sweeter when he is sick. He seems to have picked up whatever Lily had and it seems to be really lingering.
I love Lily's ponytails. I think they are perfect for her personality. Anyway, we have been in a ponytail phase lately and I kept remembering the cutest picture I took of her the first time I ever fixed her ponytails. She was so little. I finally found it. I had actually done a post on it back in 2005 "Lily's first ponytails".
I always wanted a little girl so I could do ponytails. Maybe because my mom always put them in my hair. :)


Wednesday, September 24, 2008
She's Frusrated.....
Lately I have had a hard time getting Lily to cooperate with me taking her picture so I was not sure what to expect from her today when I prepared to photograph her in two new sets for Julia's Christmas launch. I talked her through it as I dressed her and prepped her as I usually do.
She was acting silly so I had to give her this sob story about a little girl wanting the outfits but she needed to know what they looked like before her mommy bought them. She reluctantly agreed but was very cooperative when we eventually got outside.
I was finishing up the first outfit when she told me she did not want to model. I sat down with her on the ground (she was very serious) and asked her why. She said in her most sincere, sweet little voice "because I just get so frustrated". I could not hep but laugh. I mean really laugh. Deep, belly laughter. Literally rolling on the ground outside laughing. I was wondering if our neighbor, (a family court Judge) or Buddy heard me. Lily just sat there beside me looking at me and asking me why was I laughing.
We came in and changed into the second set. She was still pretty cooperative for that one, even pointing me to where to take her picture. She pointed to the mail box and instructed me to take her picture there, and the camera battery suddenly went dead. I can tell this broke her heart because she looked at me with glee and screamed "oh yes, the battery is dead", and ran inside the house.
The outfits are gorgeous and I can't wait to share the pics. I will wait for Julia to get them listed first though. Keep looking.
She was acting silly so I had to give her this sob story about a little girl wanting the outfits but she needed to know what they looked like before her mommy bought them. She reluctantly agreed but was very cooperative when we eventually got outside.
I was finishing up the first outfit when she told me she did not want to model. I sat down with her on the ground (she was very serious) and asked her why. She said in her most sincere, sweet little voice "because I just get so frustrated". I could not hep but laugh. I mean really laugh. Deep, belly laughter. Literally rolling on the ground outside laughing. I was wondering if our neighbor, (a family court Judge) or Buddy heard me. Lily just sat there beside me looking at me and asking me why was I laughing.
We came in and changed into the second set. She was still pretty cooperative for that one, even pointing me to where to take her picture. She pointed to the mail box and instructed me to take her picture there, and the camera battery suddenly went dead. I can tell this broke her heart because she looked at me with glee and screamed "oh yes, the battery is dead", and ran inside the house.
The outfits are gorgeous and I can't wait to share the pics. I will wait for Julia to get them listed first though. Keep looking.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Lily's Bug
Lily and I have felt a little blah today. She woke up Saturday with a tummy bug and was still not over it as of this morning. I had been on another round of antibiotics and steroids from last week for a small lung infection so we both stayed home today. We took Sean to school and came home and napped most of the morning.
I promised a while back to start doing "Lilyisms". Every time she says something funny we are in the car and by the time we get home I forget it. Anyway, this morning she said something so out of the blue that I immediately called my friend to tell her so I would be sure not to forget. She reminded me that I needed to do the "Lilyism" so here goes.....
"Mommy, will you please get me some juggling balls so I can practice my juggling"
We then pulled up under the carport and she asked me why we were coming in for a landing right there. I told her we were home and that we were not landing, we were parking.
I don't know where she comes up with these things.......But I love them!
I promised a while back to start doing "Lilyisms". Every time she says something funny we are in the car and by the time we get home I forget it. Anyway, this morning she said something so out of the blue that I immediately called my friend to tell her so I would be sure not to forget. She reminded me that I needed to do the "Lilyism" so here goes.....
"Mommy, will you please get me some juggling balls so I can practice my juggling"
We then pulled up under the carport and she asked me why we were coming in for a landing right there. I told her we were home and that we were not landing, we were parking.
I don't know where she comes up with these things.......But I love them!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Sophie, Sean & Lily
Sophie came over after school today with her library book. Sean had just gotten his library book that day too so we had fun reading. Also, Lily was super excited that Pinkalicious and Purplicious came from the big brown truck man (Sean & Lily's favorite person) and a scholastic book order had come in at school that day so we read all those too. Well, most of them.

Monday, September 15, 2008
You can never have too many laptops....
Sean is holding my computer playing Purble Place, Buddy had Sean's doing and update (I think) and I am on Buddy's tablet checking my email. I looked up and thought "this is crazy"!
Spencer was here so he took the picture - not Lily :)
This I am actually a little embarased about. We gave the old Dell laptop to Sean. At least we won't be fighting over mine anymore. He does not nor has ever had any kind of video gaming system (nintendo, x-box, wii) so it makes me feel a little bit better about giving a perfectly good laptop to a five year old. The kid is good on the thing too. He has actually helped me. He can get on and off websites by himself (we restrict to only Noggin, PBS, Disney) and he has some installed software that he uses. Gotta love these 21st century kids.
Friday, September 12, 2008
A nice change
Today was a much better day and not just because it was Friday.
One nice surprise was that I finally got a new computer. Buddy ordered me a new Dell notebook in my favorite hot pink :) (Lily was pleased). Sean got my old one. We were sitting today, the three of us, with our laptops. I told Buddy that it would be a blogging moment. I will have to post a picture of the scene. Of course, I am not sure who will take the picture. Lily?
Another nice surprise came in the way of a telephone call late this afternoon. It was a lady from "that interview" I went to yesterday telling me that the CFO loved the way the interview went and wanted to make me an offer. We talked and I let her know I would take the weekend to think, talk to Buddy and pray about it. It feels good to be impressive to someone though.
The day went smoothly, we saw relatives we had been missing and nothing went really wrong today at all. It was just a good day.
About 8 tonight Lily spiked a high fever. She is sleeping well now after Tylenol. Probably has the same fever virus Sean had earlier this week.
One nice surprise was that I finally got a new computer. Buddy ordered me a new Dell notebook in my favorite hot pink :) (Lily was pleased). Sean got my old one. We were sitting today, the three of us, with our laptops. I told Buddy that it would be a blogging moment. I will have to post a picture of the scene. Of course, I am not sure who will take the picture. Lily?
Another nice surprise came in the way of a telephone call late this afternoon. It was a lady from "that interview" I went to yesterday telling me that the CFO loved the way the interview went and wanted to make me an offer. We talked and I let her know I would take the weekend to think, talk to Buddy and pray about it. It feels good to be impressive to someone though.
The day went smoothly, we saw relatives we had been missing and nothing went really wrong today at all. It was just a good day.
About 8 tonight Lily spiked a high fever. She is sleeping well now after Tylenol. Probably has the same fever virus Sean had earlier this week.
Lily is sooo having a Pinkalicious Birthday Party!

Well it would not be a proper birthday party in the Murphy house if I did not start planning like 10 weeks in advance right?
I started asking Lily what she wanted to do about her party about 2 weeks ago. She wanted Kim Possible and I wanted to do an official tea at Gracie's English Tea Room. I was thinking what in the world I could do for a K.P. party. She met her at Disney world a few months ago and fell in love. I looked up some stuff online and got a few ideas but was thinking the party would be best for someone aged 6 or 7 and not 3.
I was driving home today and viola, I had the brilliant idea that we could do a Pinkalicious party. If you are not familiar and have a little girl, I highly recomend getting this book. They also have the Musical, probably in New York (I don't know) which is out of the question for us.
Anyway, Lily loves this book and was thrilled when I told her about the party idea. I gave her the K.P. choice again just to see what she would say. She looked at me like I was crazy and said "no way, I want Pinkalicious of course".
I checked out some sites for ideas, even though I had already jotted down a few I thought of, and got some really good ideas.
1. Girls must wear all pink, will give pink boas as they walk in
2. We will serve all pink food (but will have 1 table with "green" food)
3. We will decorate pink cupcakes in our pink aprons (will try to have monogrammed)
4. Will definitely read the book to the girls
5. Pink peonies (sp?) on all the tables
...... still looking and thinking.
I found the cutest blog though featuring an interview with the authors. (precious)
My twirly girly has hit big business... :)
Julia's newest set is featured on two more websites..... Lily, or course, is her model so I had to let you know to check it out.
http://designerroundup.blogspot.com/ and
on Kiddlins, scroll down to about the 3rd pic and you will see her. The set is called "feelin twirly". I am not sure about the designer roundup yet since I have not yet checked that one out....
I told Buddy last night that since our girl was in the modeling business now, maybe I need to put her a portfolio together. Ha ha! Seriously though, I am always glad to help Julia out. And it also gives me more practice with one of my newest hobbies, photography.
http://designerroundup.blogspot.com/ and
on Kiddlins, scroll down to about the 3rd pic and you will see her. The set is called "feelin twirly". I am not sure about the designer roundup yet since I have not yet checked that one out....
I told Buddy last night that since our girl was in the modeling business now, maybe I need to put her a portfolio together. Ha ha! Seriously though, I am always glad to help Julia out. And it also gives me more practice with one of my newest hobbies, photography.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Julia's new creation (Lily inspired)

This one was actually created just for my girl and it came out sooooooo cute. Check it out on ebay here :
Lily loves to twirl as most of you know. She always tells me that she has to do her "twirly twirls". She wants to wear something that "twirls" every single night to bed. I just had to have some major twirl get-up for the girl. I called Julia and told her what we wanted. She used her ultimated creativity and came up with the cutest little set. I am so excited that she had enough stuff to make another and list it. I hope everyone will go check it out.
Mama said there'd be days like this........
Yesterday was a stressful and very busy day. It was one of those days when nothing seems to go right. At one point I actually sat in my car, put my head in my hands and cried. It was just that kind of day. I was down. I pulled myself together though cause I really wanted everything to go smoothly and for me to be mentally prepared for the first night of stepping up. The kids were also starting the new fall series with Children's Worship Arts so we all needed to be on time. Well, I did not manage my time just right because we needed to all be there at 6:00 and at 5:00 I was just getting home from a very busy afternoon with the kids and a car full of groceries. We all needed to be fed and changed (slightly cleaned up) and out the door in an hour. Usually that can be done. But, by the time I unloaded the groceries and put them all away, started dinner, ate, changed the kids and loaded up I realized it was 2 minutes until 6:00. I made it to church in exactly 8 minutes and ran the kids to the appropriate classes (one upstairs in one section of the church, and one downstairs in another section) whew! I was now over 20 minutes late for my Bible study which was upstairs on the other end of the church. By the way, Frazer is huge!!!! Look it up (Frazer UMC) Needless to say, the study was great. I love Beth Moore. I got in the door just as they were finishing up introducing themselves around the room. I got to take my turn and then we started so I did not miss anything. The first session was amazing and I am so glad I decided to do it. She actually talked about having "down" days and just crying for no reason at all. I totally related to everything she said. I had experienced it all that very day.
Her encouraging words and the scripture had me on a high most of today. That is until I spilled my Mac & cheese all over myself. If I were not a work I would have cried again.
I knew today would be busy. I had to work my regular hours then go to an interview for a possible job and come back and work till close. Then I was doing an in service which would last until 8pm. So, I brought some of my favorite stouffers mac & cheese and came dressed for the interview. By mid morning I had a stain on my dress and by lunch one of the kids spilled pineapple juice all over my skirt. I was cleaning the juice up when all of the mac & cheese got dumped on me, my shoes and all over the floor. (this is where I want to start sobbing) The interview went well (more later) The in service went a little late and I ended up getting home at 9pm. I had left the house at 7am and hated being away from my kids that long.
To top it all off, I had a pretty intense headache.
Oh well, there will be good days and bad days right?
Her encouraging words and the scripture had me on a high most of today. That is until I spilled my Mac & cheese all over myself. If I were not a work I would have cried again.
I knew today would be busy. I had to work my regular hours then go to an interview for a possible job and come back and work till close. Then I was doing an in service which would last until 8pm. So, I brought some of my favorite stouffers mac & cheese and came dressed for the interview. By mid morning I had a stain on my dress and by lunch one of the kids spilled pineapple juice all over my skirt. I was cleaning the juice up when all of the mac & cheese got dumped on me, my shoes and all over the floor. (this is where I want to start sobbing) The interview went well (more later) The in service went a little late and I ended up getting home at 9pm. I had left the house at 7am and hated being away from my kids that long.
To top it all off, I had a pretty intense headache.
Oh well, there will be good days and bad days right?
Monday, September 08, 2008
I am still here....
I have had several fellow bloggers and a few friends express concern over my lack of posting over the last few weeks. So, I guess I better get back on here and let ya'll know what is going on with the Muphys!
And, I am doing two new Bible studies this fall. I am excited about finally doing Beth Moore's study called Stepping Up.

Busy, Busy, Busy! I had no idea how busy I would be working and having the kids so involved with sports (ballet, soccer) and in school. School has been a job in itself for me. Each day I have to go through backpacks and do "homework" with the kids (mostly Sean). It is unbelievable that a kindergardner would have so much work. He has vocabulary words to learn, words like mellow, and new words to read. I am excited about how much he is learning though even if it is extra work for me. We are required to read each night to him and record on provided sheet how much time we spent. All of this plus all the other normal mommy duties is keeping me busy.
And, I am doing two new Bible studies this fall. I am excited about finally doing Beth Moore's study called Stepping Up.
I really have been meaning to post. I get sidetracked everytime I sit down though.
I went to Nashville a few weeks ago with a very dear friend. We went to see Pricilla Shirer at a "Going Beyond" conference and had a great time. Vicky Yoho, a favorite singer of mine, was there and led the praise and worship. She was amazing and as usual.
We got lost, toured Nashville, did some shopping, saw some crazy people, ate at Hard Rock Cafe (yum), hugged Elvis, but most of all met with God in a very powerful way.

My very dear, long time, and very sweet friend Candace has been here visiting before she and her husband leave for Europe. They will be there for three years and I am sad. We have been able to spend some time with her and the boys though and hopefully will see them when we go to Europe next year for vacation (yay).

I will try to catch up more soon. Sean has been sick today and had to miss school.
I will post some pictures of Lily in her awsome new Lily inspired "twirl set" from Julia.
Just look at how cute my boy is even when he is sick. Poor fella has had fever of over 102 all day.
He prayed for himself at the dinner table tonight. Such faith.

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