Busy, Busy, Busy! I had no idea how busy I would be working and having the kids so involved with sports (ballet, soccer) and in school. School has been a job in itself for me. Each day I have to go through backpacks and do "homework" with the kids (mostly Sean). It is unbelievable that a kindergardner would have so much work. He has vocabulary words to learn, words like mellow, and new words to read. I am excited about how much he is learning though even if it is extra work for me. We are required to read each night to him and record on provided sheet how much time we spent. All of this plus all the other normal mommy duties is keeping me busy.
And, I am doing two new Bible studies this fall. I am excited about finally doing Beth Moore's study called Stepping Up.
I really have been meaning to post. I get sidetracked everytime I sit down though.
I went to Nashville a few weeks ago with a very dear friend. We went to see Pricilla Shirer at a "Going Beyond" conference and had a great time. Vicky Yoho, a favorite singer of mine, was there and led the praise and worship. She was amazing and as usual.
We got lost, toured Nashville, did some shopping, saw some crazy people, ate at Hard Rock Cafe (yum), hugged Elvis, but most of all met with God in a very powerful way.

My very dear, long time, and very sweet friend Candace has been here visiting before she and her husband leave for Europe. They will be there for three years and I am sad. We have been able to spend some time with her and the boys though and hopefully will see them when we go to Europe next year for vacation (yay).

I will try to catch up more soon. Sean has been sick today and had to miss school.
I will post some pictures of Lily in her awsome new Lily inspired "twirl set" from Julia.
Just look at how cute my boy is even when he is sick. Poor fella has had fever of over 102 all day.
He prayed for himself at the dinner table tonight. Such faith.

Yea!! I am so glad you are back!! I was really getting worried about you! Sorry Sean is sick, he is still adorable! Can't wait to see Lily's new outfit!
So good to finally hear from you. I was wondering too where you were. I know the busyness though. Glad you are back!
Candace (used to be) Mills? Just wondering... I haven't seen her in years :(
I would love to answer you question but unfortunately I have not been able to get on your blog since it is now set to private. Accidentally maybe. I asked your mom and she was supposed to ask you. Soooo, I hope you look at my comments under this picture to see the answer. Yes, it is Mills. She is great and misses you as well. As I said, she will be moving to Europe in about 2 weeks :(
I told her all about your sweet little family too. How are the babies? How are you and Whitney?
I got scared once I added the Feedjit thing - so I just started a new one. I don't think it's private? It is http://ourchildlikefaith.blogspot.com/
Will you see if you can access it? Anyway, so glad to know it is her. I've thought about her often. Thanks for the update :)
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