The Mad Hatter's Tea Party
by The Party Palace

the Queen of Hearts

Lily with Alice and the Queen
Sean and Tyler: boys have fun too!

Sophia Grace


Sean and E.G.

Everyone had a blast!

thank you Party Palace!
We had so much fun on Saturday at the Mad Hatter's tea party! Alice was there to greet the children as they each took a seat around the table for a grand tea party. Later the children helped Alice find the white rabbit and even painted the white roses red. But this did not sit well with the Queen of Hearts as she came out screaming "off with their heads"! The kids were entertained by Alice and the Queen and each had an opportunity to take pictures with them. It was a day will not soon forget.
Sophia Grace
Sean and E.G.
Everyone had a blast!
thank you Party Palace!
We had so much fun on Saturday at the Mad Hatter's tea party! Alice was there to greet the children as they each took a seat around the table for a grand tea party. Later the children helped Alice find the white rabbit and even painted the white roses red. But this did not sit well with the Queen of Hearts as she came out screaming "off with their heads"! The kids were entertained by Alice and the Queen and each had an opportunity to take pictures with them. It was a day will not soon forget.
If you have not been to the Party Palace yet for an event you need to check them out
The next event is "To Infinity and Beyond" and we are definitely not going to miss that one! See ya there....
I don't know about this place. It looks like they had a great time. Let Lily know I will bring "the girl" next time:)
Thank you so much Heidi for coming! My kids *love* your kids and you would have thought they had been best buddies for years! I think Sean and Elsa Grace make a cute couple. I better make sure that I'm not somehow related to your hubby since Murphy was my maiden name. I think Elsa Grace Murphy has a nice ring to it. ;)
Hey good pics. Have not down loaded mine yet. Hey check out my blog. I added some cute stuff. :)
how sweet is this?!!!
I haven't heard of this place, so I'm off to check out the link. Cute party!
How cool is that!!
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