Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My little Daisy Scout

Lily is now a Daisy Girl Scout. She is loving it! She could not have joined at a more perfect time either - COOKIES.... I took her out in our neighborhood one day last week and she did fabulous. I bribed her into letting me put ponytails in her hair somehow thinking it would help her sell more cookies. I guess it worked though since she sold to every single door we knocked on. (hee hee) I figure, It was either the ponytails or those huge irresistible blue eyes.

Lily with her very first customer. This one was easy though - Mr Bill, our favorite person on the street. We adore him!

Lily showing off her "tuna" as she calls it (tunic)

1 comment:

ThePartyPrincess said...

I love her so much!