Sunday, January 20, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
We were able to get MOST of the crayon out of the rental before returning it today. I am glad we are not taking it to the beach because I would have been a nervous wreck wondering what they were going to do to it next.
Below is a picture of my friend's new baby. I wanted to share it because I think she looks so peaceful and sweet and also because a few of you that I know had the fertility problems like we did. This is another miracle story. IVF 3 times with no luck after some years and then finally got pregnant on her own. Great Pregnany, Great delivery! Perfect Baby Girl!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Murpy's Law states: Anything that can go wrong will go wrong!
We quote this often in our house and since that is our last name it is funny to say. Anytime something happens, we just say "Murphy's Law"!
For those of you who have been following my blog, I am still quite new at the journaling or sharing part of this blog thing. I have never been very good with words or with writing or sharing my personal thoughts. And then I married a Speech/English teacher so I am trying to do better. I really enjoy reading the posts of my friends though, so I thought I would try it out. I usually just share the kids pictures and that is still what I will be doing mostly. Some of you have commented on how much you enjoy the comments I do! So, here's a story I'm sure you will enjoy. Especially the mommys with preschoolers.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Thank you Julia!

Abby's Birthday!
We went to Maw-Maw's house and had fun foods, cake and ice cream. The kids enjoyed a puppet show, played in the yard on the moonwalks and then rode a fun train that was created by a friend of my mothers. I mean he practically made this thing out of junk. It was the coolest thing and the kids loved it.
Abby's Minnie Mouse cake

My Beautiful "Bug"
Monday, January 07, 2008
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Sean & Lily modeling their new costumes

Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Two sleepy kids....

Toy Story Mania in the Murphy Home!

Sean's only two requests for Christmas this year were a "shootin lazer Buzz lightyear" and a cowboy Woody doll from the movie Toystory 2. Lily wanted a Cowgirl Jessie doll. They were so excited when they found them Christmas morning. It has now been a week since Christmas and they are still sleeping with them every night.
Sean throwing food out for Santa's reindeer

Sean's teacher gave all the children a bag of reindeer food on the last day of school before the holidays. It was actually a bag of uncooked oatmeal with green glitter mixed in. The glitter so that the reindeer could spot the food from the sky and santa would know where to stop. I had actually forgotten but Sean reminded me that he had to go put food out for the reindeer. It was to cute. He had no idea the food was actually just oatmeal. I thought it was a great idea.