We are going to the coast for a few days! We are hoping for better weather then what we are having here. Since Monday is a holiday and Buddy does not teach on Fridays it will be an extra long weekend of fun. I think we are going to try to do some neat things with the kid like visit the Aquarium and science museum if the weather is nasty there. Otherwise it will be shopping at the outlet mall and playing in the sand with the kids.
We were able to get MOST of the crayon out of the rental before returning it today. I am glad we are not taking it to the beach because I would have been a nervous wreck wondering what they were going to do to it next.
Below is a picture of my friend's new baby. I wanted to share it because I think she looks so peaceful and sweet and also because a few of you that I know had the fertility problems like we did. This is another miracle story. IVF 3 times with no luck after some years and then finally got pregnant on her own. Great Pregnany, Great delivery! Perfect Baby Girl!

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