What do you think she was saying?????
Sean and his good friend Parker
The kids had a great time Friday at the Montessori Fall Festival. They played games, rode ponies, ate pizza, had their faces painted and much more. The highlight of Sean's night was winning the very last cake in the cake walk. It was a cranberry orange poppyseed loaf and I was really afraid he would be disappointed. It was so good though and he really loved it.
The kids don't go to Montessori anymore but they still had a great time with all their old freinds and teachers.
Now we have the St. James festival to look forward to next week. My luck was not good in any of the raffles or door prizes Friday! So, I am hoping for better luck at St. James. There is a $1000.00 tuition grant up for grabs. There is also a uniform gift certificate which would be great too.
I love October! Festivals, Pumpkin Patch, State Fair.... So much fun!
Sean wins the last cake
One month? Yikes! You guys sure know how to make the money... HA!
Yea, Sean!! Good job! I love fall too!!
I didn't make Chloe's tutu but I am working on chartruesse one for her (along with a bijillion more projects)!! I want this one to be short, more like a skirt!!
We had a blast friday night.... but I think it will take me all week to rest up.... Glad you guys had fun at the festival..... I love this time of the year!
I could really go for that cake right now. Looks like y'all had a great time!
I love the fall festivals this time of year too! We have WES Fest at our elementary school tomorrow night, and the kids are so excited. I'm looking forward to it too. Christian's teacher is not doing a booth this year, so we will have the freedom to just go as a family, without splitting up for work shifts. We have Trunk or Treat coming up at church on the 30th at the University Church of Christ in Montgomery. Join us if you can!
You were totally right about Emma's Cinderella slippers. We went to Disney World this summer, and one of Emma's flip-flops fell through the tracks as we were getting on the tram on our way to the Magic Kingdom. It was my favorite pair! When we went back that night, Joe could see her shoe on the floor below, but they said we had to wait until they fished it out. By the end of our stay, they still had not received it at Lost and Found. So we had to just let it go. I bought those Cinderella shoes so Emma would not have to go barefoot, and the girls alternated wearing them during our trip. They are a little too tight, but even little girls will endure a little pain for fashion sometimes!
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