Monday, September 15, 2008

You can never have too many laptops....

Sean is holding my computer playing Purble Place, Buddy had Sean's doing and update (I think) and I am on Buddy's tablet checking my email. I looked up and thought "this is crazy"!
Spencer was here so he took the picture - not Lily :)

This I am actually a little embarased about. We gave the old Dell laptop to Sean. At least we won't be fighting over mine anymore. He does not nor has ever had any kind of video gaming system (nintendo, x-box, wii) so it makes me feel a little bit better about giving a perfectly good laptop to a five year old. The kid is good on the thing too. He has actually helped me. He can get on and off websites by himself (we restrict to only Noggin, PBS, Disney) and he has some installed software that he uses. Gotta love these 21st century kids.

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